It’s that time of the month again, a Daring Baker time! The group is going from strength to strength and if you’d like to know more click here you will also find other Daring Bakers pies appearing over the next day or so, so click away! October’s challenge is a Bostini Cream Pie chosen by Mary. This recipe hails from Donna Scala & Kurtis Baguley of Bistro Don Giovanni and Scala's Bistro. Having had two weeks school holidays and also being away for a few days has meant I’ve been down to the wire in making this one, but I’m glad I did =)
It’s a Boston Cream Pie in restaurant style! It’s one of the easiest challenges I’ve done so far, requireing a rich custard made on the cooker, an orange chiffon cake and a chocolate glaze.
The custard was so rich with one and a half pints of double cream and 9 egg yolks among it’s ingredients! After cooking it is poured into ramekins and left to chill and set properly.
The orange chiffon cake was so light. I’ve long been meaning to make a chiffon cake, and I can definetley see the appeal of a goegeous cake like this with berries and some cream for a pudding. I baked the cake in a rectangular tin and cut our little hearts of cake, because really what makes this different from a regular Boston Cream Pie is the presentation, and I thought hearts would be good.
The chocolate glaze was equal parts chocolate and butter, I used a spoonful per serving, as it was very rich with the butter.

So how to present? Well there were two options, (1) turn the custard out or (2) leave it in the ramekins and in both cases top with cake and cream.
Custard out.
Custard in.
Out of the ramekin the custard out was a lot easier to eat, if a bit fiddly to unmould. Which do you like best? For the recipe visit Mary at Alpineberry, and thank you to the lovely Mary for choosing a delicious pudding =)