Big cake, little cake

The recipe makes for an incredibly moist carrot cake. The icing is simply gorgeous! A lovely carrot cake to add to your repertoire.

My little helper was very keen to help, so a certain amount of stirring and beating of eggs was allowed. This was followed up by the appearance of one of her own baking tins, a small metal heart tin. I said we’d see how much mixture there was, and there was enough to fill up her little tin too. It baked with the big cake, but came it out of the oven much sooner. She was very pleased with her little heart carrot cake, and decorated it herself with pride. =) I was thrilled for her! Here is the link for the Sweet & Simple Bakes recipe with many thanks to Rosie and Maria for all their hard work =)

The recipe makes for an incredibly moist carrot cake. The icing is simply gorgeous! A lovely carrot cake to add to your repertoire.
My little helper was very keen to help, so a certain amount of stirring and beating of eggs was allowed. This was followed up by the appearance of one of her own baking tins, a small metal heart tin. I said we’d see how much mixture there was, and there was enough to fill up her little tin too. It baked with the big cake, but came it out of the oven much sooner. She was very pleased with her little heart carrot cake, and decorated it herself with pride. =) I was thrilled for her! Here is the link for the Sweet & Simple Bakes recipe with many thanks to Rosie and Maria for all their hard work =)